- Iskandar Setiadi
Code Area
BakaReader EX
BakaReader EX is an open-source light novel reader for Android. At the current time, it has around 100,000 application downloads. Click here for details.
Simple ECC
Simple ECC is an elliptic curve cryptosystem implementation for research purpose in JAIST, Japan.
IsTorrent is a customize torrent protocol implementation for distributed system laboratory in Institut Teknologi Bandung.
IsRemote is a customize remote desktop implementation for distributed system laboratory in Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Have you ever played Pokemon or Monster Rancher? PokeRanch is an Android game application, which is actually a combination of those games. This game is created by six-person team. (Note: quite fail)
Kecoa Buster
Kecoa (read: Cockroach) Buster is a flash (AS3) project, which is created for Genshiken ITB. This game is created by eight-person team.
Recent Posts

Flag #25 - Journey to the Northern Land: Chasing the Aurora
Journey to the Northern Land: Chasing the Aurora

Flag #21 - Europe Solo Trip Pt. I: Preparation & PyConX Italy
The 1st part of my travel diary to Europe earlier this year

About Me
Hello everyone, welcome to Freedomofkeima Zone! My name is Iskandar Setiadi. I've received my B.S. (2015) in Informatics from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). I love to explore quite a broad range of computing technologies: mobile development, web technology, cloud infrastructure, and network security. I mainly take on back-end development projects. On the other hand, I am also able to cope with other development parts to a certain degree. It's fun to solve complex problems in elegant way!
Technical Skills
Mobile Development

By delivering excellent functionalities and self-explanatory user interfaces across different devices, it ensures all of my clients to have an enjoyable experience with my applications. I also provide a well-structured documentation which allows other developers to quickly adapt with my projects. These projects are developed in Java.
Web Technology

I have developed several projects which are written in PHP (Code Igniter, Yii, Wordpress CMS), Node JS (Express JS + Angular JS), Java (Play), and Python (Flask).

As front-end development isn't my main ability, I can still deliver simplistic but intuitive interface designs to my projects. The good understanding of HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript ensures me to achieve this target.
Cloud Infrastructure
As cloud enthusiast, I've deployed several projects in Amazon Web Services. I also love to explore a broad range of distributed database systems (MongoDB, Riak, Cassandra, etc). My thesis is also focused on cloud infrastructure, which is titled as "Geographically-Aware Distributed NoSQL Prototype Development".
Network Security
I believe that network security has an important role in all software products development. I've learned several cryptography techniques (hash, signature, message encryption) which are quite handy in software development. I've also participated in a research at JAIST, Japan. This research is focused on elliptic curve cryptography algorithm and implementation over coordinate systems. The implementation itself is written in C++.
Other Skills
In many projects, I use several tools such as Git, package management (Bower, etc), open-source library (jQuery, etc), and graphics editor (Photoshop, etc).
Prize of Excellence at Asia Supercomputer Community (ASC15), 2015
1st Honorary Student in Informatics Engineering (ITB), 2014
Finalist in ACM ICPC Regional Jakarta, 2014
Top 10 Finalist in Network Security Gemastik VII, 2014
Finalist in Programming Category Gemastik VII, 2014
Finalist in Competitive Programming Compfest UI, 2014
Top 100 in IEEE Xtreme Programming 8.0, 2014
Top 5 Finalist in Network Security Gemastik VI, 2013
Finalist in ACM ICPC Regional Jakarta, 2013
Random Facts
I love coffee, especially cappuccino
I love eating noodles
I like to watch Japanese animation (Anime) and other related stuffs (Light Novel, etc)
I enjoy solving mathematical problems
I play badminton as my favorite sport
I use Notepad++ (Windows), Gedit (Linux), and Sublime (Mac) as my favorite text editor

Contact Me
Looking forward to great projects and hiring offerings!
If you're an alien, time traveler, or even an esper, feel free to talk with me at:
Don't worry. Human being is also acceptable!
I usually check my mail on daily basis, except the time when my planet needs me :p
Feel free to contact me for detailed info of my portfolio!
Social Media